How to install Noor programs?

How to install NOOR NOOR NOOR programs ?

  1. Double-click the “Setup” file from the Program CD; wait a few seconds to let the installation process begin.
  2. For the installation process, select a language out of Arabic, English and Persian from the page displayed.
  3. Click “Next”.
  4. On the page displayed, read the license agreement fully, then select “I accept the terms of this agreement” before continuing the installation and then click “Next”.
  5. On this page, the minimum system requirements and recommended system requirements for running this Software will be displayed. Select your option and then click “Next”.
  6. In this part, you should select destination location where the Program should be installed and your personal researches should be saved and stored. Please note that the destination location must have enough space for Program installation. If you would like to select a different folder, click “Browse”. In case of manual mistyping of the path to the folder, the Program warns you by displaying an error message and the installation will fail to continue.

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